Our Servings

  • Dalhousie Student Union Building

    Tuesday-Friday 12:30pm - 2pm (or until food lasts). Please bring your own container & Cutlery.

  • Sexton Campus

    Tuesday & Thursday, 9am-11am

  • Hours of operation may vary due to reading week, winter break, and summer break (April-August).

    Labour Day / September 6

    National Day for Truth and Reconciliation / September 30

    Thanksgiving / October 11

    Remembrance Day / November 11

    Christmas Eve / December 24

    Christmas Day / December 25

    Boxing Day / December 26-30

    New Year's Eve / December 31

    New Year's Day / January 1

    NS Heritage Day / February 21

    There are no servings during reading week, winter break, and weather closures.
    We will notify the community of these closures on social media.

The Loaded Ladle provides accessible, sustainable, locally-sourced free food on Dalhousie Campus. Our non-hierarchical co-operative offers an alternative food service, that opposes capitalist food systems. We also offer events and activities which critically examine barriers to food sovereignty, food security and food justice.


  • join the board

    Stir the pot with us! Join the Loaded Ladle board or become an advisor! More information below - election deadline is March 26th!

  • Attend our General Meeting and end-of-year party!

    Cap off the year with us and remiscince on the year past! March 30th, 10 am - 12 pm.

  • Cutlery Holder Workshop!

    Learn how ot transform old fabric into cute holders to carry your cutlery in. In this workshop you will learn some basic sewing and upcycling skills. Free to attend, fabric provided. Registration required.

Follow us at @theloadedladle


Contact us


Address: 6136 University Ave, Halifax, NS B3H 4J2, Main Floor

Phone or Text: 902-709—3022