Create art for the Loaded Ladle
We are looking for doodles and drawings to feature on our website, promotional, and educational materials. We are also looking for folks who may be interested in illustrating our kitchen and create comic strips for kitchen guidelines or other codes of conduct.
Why? Collaborative art, zines, screenprints, etc have always been ways we show our grassroots and our community-oriented personality. We want our materials to reflect that! Volunteer art also has been a great way to get to know folks who want to be involved with Ladle, but cannot come to the kitchen for various reasons :)
What are we looking for? This changes from time to time - please reach out to see what we are currently looking for. You may be drawing -
Doodles of pots of food, plates of food, beets, carrots, beans, aprons, baseball hats, our dishwasher, spoons, forks, and of course, people cooking together or eating together. Anything that you feel represents the vibe of a community kitchen!
Helping illustrate a bigger project!
Below are just some examples of art made by our wonderful community <3