The Loaded Ladle


Annual General Meeting

Sunday, March 30th, 10am - 2 pm Atlantic (Halifax) Time.

Location TBD.

All community members (which includes all volunteers and all Dal and King's students) are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Sunday, March 30th!
We will be electing our new board members for the 2025/26 school year! Interested in joining? 


During the meeting we will:

  • Go over our budget (yey for transparency)

  • Outgoing board members will report back on their time at the Ladle (yey for memories)

  • Our staff will report back on what we did all year!

  • Eat delicious LL food

  • Elect our new board !

We will be wrapping things up with food-packed fun!! There will be:

  • Ladle Trivia (prizes to be won!!)

  • Seed (with soil + starter pots) give away!!

  • Hanging out and thanking volunteers from the bottom of our hearts <3

To attend, please register here!